The Art of Africa
Theater Exhibition
Rio de Janeiro (CCBB)
As part of the general programme of the event “Arte da África”, held at Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil in Rio de Janeiro, the theatre show took place between October 15 and November 2, 2003. The Show made a decisive contribution to the event’s success in bringing to the public of Rio de Janeiro something of the multiple dimensions and vast range African culture has assumed in the formation and constant renewal of Brazilian culture.
Companies and shows presented:
Grupo de Teatro do Centro Cultural Português do Mindelo – Cape Verde – show: "Cloun Creolus Dei"
Bando de Teatro Olodum – Brazil/BA – show: "Cabaré da RRRRRRaça"
Mutumbela Gogo – Mozambique – show: "Sexo? Sim, obrigado. Ou a Arte de Ganguisar"
Théâtre Talipot – Reunion Island – French Domain – show: "Kalla, O Fogo"
Technical Sheet
Production Coordination: Ailton Franco Jr e Paulo Mattos
Production Assistance: André Barcellos
Production Support: Hélida Garcia de Azevedo
Technical Coordination: Adriana Ortiz
Assistant Technical Coordinator: Paula Rodrigues
Lighting Technician: Juca Baracho and Felício Mafra
Sound Technician: Ricardo Santos
Set Designer: João Grandão and José Roberto da Silva
Reception Coordinator: Jorge Rui Martins
Workshop Support for Grupo Talipot: Jorge Rui Martins
Graphic Design: Patrícia Chueke
English Version: Steve Berg
Stageman: Mario Jorge Olivetti
Press Advisor: Luciana Medeiros with Eva Netto
Electronic Subtitling: Bravo Studios
Legal Advisor: Carnide & Associados