20X Pornochanchada
Visual Arts
Rio de Janeiro (CAIXA Cultural)
The 20X Pornochanchada Exhibition provided an important reminder of the memory of national cinema, told in films and posters, of one of the most productive phases of national cinema, with the exhibition of 20 films and 33 posters. Among the titles that were part of the exhibition are “Soninha Toda Pura” (Aurélio Teixeira, 1971), “Possuídas pelo Pecado” (Jean Garret, 1976), “Escola Penal de Meninas Violentadas” (Antonio Meliande, 1977) and “Ninfas Diabólicas” (John Doo, 1979). The term “chanchada” was coined to describe popular comedies that were prevalent on screens from the 1930s to the early 1960s. From that period onwards, behavioral changes in Brazil and around the world led to this film genre incorporating erotic touches, giving rise to the term “pornochanchada”. The exhibition also offered a new generation of graphic design and film professionals, with its Catalogue, the opportunity to get in touch with the world of posters — which, nowadays, no longer function as attractions to bring masses of spectators to the cinema. In this section, a tribute was paid to José Luiz Benicio da Fonseca, Benício, with the exhibition of 13 posters by the illustrator, one of the most sought after by the film industry at the time of pornochanchadas.
Technical Sheet
Direction and Production: Ailton Franco Jr.
Curation and Design: Giselle Macedo / Luxdev
Production Assistance: Francisco dos Anjos Jr.