The Volcano Exiles
Feature Film
Paula Gaitán
Awarded by the official jury as the best film of the Brasília Film Festival 2013, The Volcano Exiles (2013) is a feature film by Paula Gaitán, director of documentaries such as Diário de Sintra (2007) and Se Hace Camino al Andar (2020), and the experimental epic Luz nos Trópicos (2020).
She managed to save a bunch of photographs and a diary with hand-written phrases from a fire. These words and faces are the only traces left by the man she once met and loved. Crossing mountains and roads, she attempts to repeat his steps. The places she visits hold people, gestures, memories and stories that, little by little, become part of her life.
Genre: Documentary
Language: Portuguese
Lenght: 20 min
Format: 35 mm
Year of Release: 2001
Direction: Paula Gaitán
Screenplay: Rodrigo de Oliveira
Cinematography: Inti Briones
Editing: Paula Gaitán, Fabio Andrade
Music: Driving Music, Objeto Amarelo
Cast: Clara Choveaux, Vincenzo Amato, Simone Spoladore, Bel Garcia, Lorena Lobato, Maíra Senise, Ava Rocha
Producers: Eryk Rocha, Ailton Franco Jr.
Production: Franco Filmes, Aruac Filmes, Mutuca Filmes
Awards and Festivals
47th Festival do Cinema Brasileiro de Brasília 2013 - Best Film and Best Sound
43rd São Paulo International Film Festival