Feature Film
Paula Gaitán
Agreste debuted at Festival do Rio 2010 as Hors Concours at Première Brasil. Participated in the São Paulo International Film Festival and several other festivals.
This feature film is produced by Franco Filmes and co-produced by Aruac Produções and Pássaro Films, with Canal Brasil as an associate producer.
Agreste can be several places, just as Marcélia Cartaxo can be several women (including herself). The actress is placed in a situation of encounter with nature and with other female figures, doubles of her in some instance. From these encounters, other possibilities arise to operate in the world of representation, which in the film comes from the same imaginary power of children's games in vacant lots.
Genre: Documentary
Language: Portuguese
Lenght: 78 min
Format: Digital
Year of Release: 2010
Direction: Paula Gaitán
Cast: Marcelia Cartaxo, Zabe da Loca, Sara Antunes, Maira Senise
Executive Production: Ailton Franco Jr., Eryk Rocha
Awards and Festivals
Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo - 2010
Festival do Rio - 2010